We’re delighted to announce that the Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE) has a brand new home!
CSCCE is now a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives, a 501(c)3. If you’re familiar with the Carpentries’ software and data skills trainings, we now share the same non-profit parent organization. Lou Woodley will remain director of the Center and says of the move:
“I’m thrilled that we’re entering the next phase of our activities to support the emerging field of scientific community engagement. We’re excited to join a stable of other community-oriented projects at Community Initiatives – and we’re eagerly looking ahead to launching new programming and our community of practice for scientific community managers”
Lou Woodley, CSCCE Director
Our work continues to be supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which funds the Community Engagement Fellows Program and other core CSCCE activities.

Has anything changed?
The overall goal of CSCCE hasn’t changed – we are still working to support the professionalization and institutionalization of the role of the scientific community engagement manager. Writ large: we believe in the importance of human infrastructure for successful, collaborative science. And we exist to support scientific community professionals – whatever their job title may be. This move enables us to focus and expand in ways that are more community-centric and community-led so that we can continue to serve the variety of groups with which we work.
The three overarching activities of the center will continue as planned.
1. Fellowships. The 2019 cohort of our flagship community engagement fellows program continues– and we are planning for future cohorts to come.
2. Training and Resources. We’re working with clients that include IceCube’s Multimessenger Diversity Network, the American Physical Society, and the National Microbiome Data Collaborative. We’re also launching a new online community of practice for scientific community professionals.
3. Research. We’re conducting focused research into the role of the scientific community engagement manager via grants, the project team work of our Fellows, and our Visiting Scholars program.
What else is coming up?
At its core, CSCCE has always been a community-oriented organization designed to serve and support our members’ needs. We connect community managers and those interested in scientific community-building to one another. And we create spaces for meaningful, contextualized learning experiences for Fellows, clients, and collaborators so that we can support, strengthen and expand this emerging field together.
In the next few days we’ll be sharing details about our brand new online community of practice and the launch of our monthly webinar series. Stay tuned for more details!
Stay in touch
Please note our updated URLs and contact details:
Website: https://www.cscce.org/
Blog: https://www.cscce.org/blog/
Email: info@cssce.org
Twitter (unchanged): @TheCSCCE
Newsletter: sign up here.
We hope that you’ll join us on the next part of our journey!