Last month we launched the brand new CSCCE community of practice for scientific community managers – which includes monthly community calls that allow us to explore some foundational ideas in scientific community engagement together while getting to know one another and our communities.
What’s a community call?
A community call is a regular online event for community members to come together and meet one another, discuss topics of shared interest, and learn new things. Calls might include individual presentations, guest speakers, celebrating successes or diving deeper to brainstorm a particular topic in more detail.
We’ll be hosting a community call once per month on the third Wednesday of every month at 2pm Eastern which means November’s call will be on Wednesday November 20th.

November’s call
Topic: An introduction to the four types of communities that we see in science – with presentations from existing scientific community managers representing different community types.
Abstract: In our work with scientific communities to date, we’ve identified different types of scientific communities – and different ways that they describe the community engagement role within their communities. This had led to a working model of four broad scientific community types that we’re eager to test and iterate!
Join us for a brief description of the four community types followed by lightning talk presentations from existing scientific community managers about how they think about their own communities (and how they might be different from the model).
Ann Meyer – Advisor, Sector Innovation and Programs at Ontario Genomics
Stephanie O’Donnell – Community Manager at
Serah Njambi Rono – Community Engagement Lead at The Carpentries
Camille Santistevan – Associate Director for Communications and Marketing at the Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) at the Graduate Center for CUNY.
Join us to…
- Consider how you might describe your own scientific community
- Connect with others and learn about their communities – including others like yours
- Gain additional perspective about what the community engagement/community manager role looks like in different scientific communities
- Discuss how we can expand our initial descriptions to make sure we’re covering all the different types of scientific communities
All welcome! If you’d like to continue to explore this topic and present about your own community in the new year, please drop us an email:
How to join
November’s call will take place on Wednesday 20th at 2pm Eastern.
Our calls are hosted in Zoom – simply click the link and we’ll see you there!
Video or not? You’re welcome to turn on your webcam if you like but fine if you prefer just to use audio.
Please note: We’ll be recording the calls so that others who couldn’t make it can catch up later.