Are you facing a community management challenge right now that you just can’t find a solution to? In this month’s community call, CSCCE community of practice member Beth Duckles will facilitate an Oblique Thinking activity to help us all work together on finding solutions.
This year, we’re switching up our community call formats, cycling around three broad approaches each quarter: i) sharing of skills and knowledge e.g, via talks, panel discussions and show and tell; ii) building together e.g, by combining our collective knowledge to do or make something new – including shaping our CoP and; iii) providing more opportunities to build deeper connections with one another via various different approaches to networking that are grounded in skills you can reuse in your own role.
This month, we are focusing on connecting, and you can expect something completely different from any CSCCE community call that’s come before! We’ll be asking you to share your varied skills, including those you might not flex so often in the workplace, and collaborate with other members of the community to solve common challenges in STEM community management. Expect to leave feeling energized and having connected more deeply to other members of the CSCCE CoP!
Date: Wednesday, 15 March 2023
Time: 11am EDT / 3pm UTC
Zoom link to join: click here
Add to calendar: click here

An opportunity to tap into creativity as a community
STEM community managers often face similar challenges. But, they also often work alone, and it’s also hard to come up with creative solutions when it’s just you and your brain sitting in front of a computer screen. That’s why this month we’re excited that Beth Duckles has agreed to facilitate an “Oblique Thinking Hour” for the CSCCE community of practice. Oblique Thinking is a new facilitation method Beth and colleagues have developed that helps you approach problems from surprising angles (read about a recent Oblique Thinking Hour here).
In this month’s call, Beth will guide us through a process for finding new ways to look at common problems in community management. Throughout the call there will be opportunities for skills sharing, problem solving, and for spotting commonalities between our varied jobs.
We hope you’ll come along and try something new, and maybe solve a problem in the process!
March’s call
Beth Duckles, Organizational Mycology
Join March’s community call to:
- Learn about the Oblique Thinking facilitation style
- Address a challenge your facing as a STEM community manager, and/or help think through someone else’s
- Meet more members of the CSCCE community of practice during small group activities
How to join
March’s call will take place on 15 March 2023, at 11am EDT / 3pm UTC*
*Please note that the daylight savings time shift in the US might impact the time of this month’s call in your area.
Our calls are hosted in Zoom – click here and we’ll see you in the webinar!
Video or not? You’re welcome to turn on your webcam if you like but fine if you prefer just to use audio.
Our community calls generally last 90 minutes to allow time for discussion, but we try to keep all of the presentations within the first 60 minutes. We understand that virtual meetings have a tendency to overrun and overlap, so please don’t feel sheepish about arriving late or leaving early. We’d love to see you either way!
Please note: We won’t be recording this month’s call as it is primarily activity based. A recap blog post will be available within 5 days of the call taking place.
Our community calls usually take place on the third Wednesday of every month at 11am Eastern, but occasionally times and dates vary depending on speaker availability so please check our calendar of events.
Wonder what we’ve talked about in previous calls? The archive listings can be found here, with select recordings available on YouTube.
Not yet in our Slack group? Request to join here.
Further resources
We curate a growing collection of resources for community managers on our website. If you have any questions about our work, or are interested in partnering with us on a future project or call, please contact