As the academic year winds down for many of us, and we head into the season of conferences, field work, and vacations, it’s time for CSCCE’s fourth annual mid-year social!
Every year around this time we invite you to join a community call that’s focused on helping you to meet other members of the CSCCE community of practice who are interested in some of the same community management topics as you are. In brief, you tell us the topics that you’re hoping to connect around, we work behind-the-scenes to make everyone a personalized list of pairings, and then we all spend the call enjoying meeting the people on our virtual “networking dance cards!” Read on to find out more about what to expect and how to sign up, and do reach out to if you have any requests or suggestions
Date: Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Time: 11am EDT / 3pm UTC
Register before 14 June: click here
Zoom link to join: click here
Add to calendar: click here

What are we going to do?
As community managers, we know that it can be hard to break the ice in an online community, especially when there’s a steady influx of new members or we’re trying to be present in more than one place online. So, once a year, we lovingly curate a live social event that’s designed to help you to synchronously meet others who are interested in similar topics to you.
If you’re interested in attending, step one is to complete this short registration form before Wednesday, 14 June. This tells us a bit about who you are as well as who you’re interested in meeting (people in similar fields, career, stages, or geographic area, maybe?). Then, we create a personalized “networking dance card” for everyone who signs up, which guides them through a series of 1-on-1 chats and small group discussions over the course of the social.
Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive a calendar invitation for the event. If for some reason your availability changes and you won’t be able to join us, please let us know ASAP so that we can adjust the schedule accordingly.
This is a great opportunity to get to know other STEM community managers in fields similar to yours, and shape the future of the CSCCE community of practice. We hope to see you there!!
Read about our first community networking forum back in May of 2021.
June’s call
Join June’s community call to:
- Meet other STEM community managers
- Let us know what you’d like to see in terms of community calls, tools trials, and related community programming over the next six months
- Take a break from the norm!
How to join
June’s call will take place on 21 June 2023, at 11am EDT / 3pm UTC
Our calls are hosted in Zoom – click here and we’ll see you in the webinar!
Video or not? You’re welcome to turn on your webcam if you like but fine if you prefer just to use audio.
Our community calls generally last 90 minutes to allow time for discussion, but this month we’ll be keeping it to 60 minutes. We understand that virtual meetings have a tendency to overrun and overlap, so please don’t feel sheepish about arriving late or leaving early. We’d love to see you either way!
Please note: We won’t be recording this month’s call. A recap blog post will be available within 5 days of the call taking place.
Our community calls usually take place on the third Wednesday of every month at 11am Eastern, but occasionally times and dates vary depending on speaker availability so please check our calendar of events.
Wonder what we’ve talked about in previous calls? The archive listings can be found here, with select recordings available on YouTube.
Not yet in our Slack group? Request to join here.
Further resources
We curate a growing collection of resources for community managers on our website. If you have any questions about our work, or are interested in partnering with us on a future project or call, please contact