CSCCE Event Calendar

CSCCE hosts monthly community calls and weekly social hours as part of the programming for our community of practice. This calendar additionally shows one-off events and online trainings offered by the center.


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Project Management for Scientists Bootcamp (PMB25Sp)

Our spring offering of the Project Management Bootcamp for Scientists (PMB25Sp) will run on Mondays and Thursdays beginning Monday, 31 March until Thursday, 17 April. The key dates are: Monday lessons: 31 March; 7, 14 April at 12-2pm EDT / 4-6pm UTC Thursday Co-Labs: 3,10,17 April at 12-2pm EDT / 4-6pm UTC This six-session bootcamp intensive offers … Continue reading "Project Management for Scientists Bootcamp (PMB25Sp)"

Mini-workshop | Designing for effective decision-making during virtual meetings

Meetings and virtual events often involve asking attendees to make decisions. Decision-making invokes numerous considerations, including how to negotiate power dynamics, empower everyone to express their opinions, and actually reach the outcome(s) you desire. In this Mini-workshop, you will explore four broad decision-making modes (authority rule, consultation, voting, and consensus) and then use the PACT … Continue reading "Mini-workshop | Designing for effective decision-making during virtual meetings"

Mini-workshop | Giving and receiving feedback

Providing useful and kind feedback to others and being open to receiving feedback ourselves is a critical skill for effective collaboration – including during other CSCCE activities! During this session, we’ll explore the functions of feedback, how to structure yours, and what can make receiving feedback easier. Price: $150 Register here: Registration deadline: Wednesday, 30 April 2025

Mini-workshop | Enacting culture change: The Four Frame Model

Many culture change projects are met with general enthusiasm at the conceptual level, but fall short during their implementation. In this Mini-workshop, participants will reflect on their own role as change agents and use Bolman and Deal’s Four-Frame Model to assess and describe different types of barriers to culture change initiatives (structural, human resources, political, … Continue reading "Mini-workshop | Enacting culture change: The Four Frame Model"

Mini-workshop | Creating core values statements

Core values statements describe the values underpinning how community members would like to interact, and include a definition of each value as well as examples of what they look like in action. Core values statements are most effective when they are co-created with community members and are specific to the community, rather than re-using values … Continue reading "Mini-workshop | Creating core values statements"

CSCCE QSS Session | Topic TBD

Quarterly Skills Share (QSS) sessions are an opportunity for participants in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program to share insights and expertise about their roles as STEM community managers. Sessions last 90-minutes and include two or three presentations, with ample time for Q&A and discussion. This is an invitation-only event.

Nurturing Online Communities (NOC)

Building and nurturing a community in an online environment comes with specific needs and challenges. This seven-week course is designed with community managers of scientific communities of practice in mind, and will explore a variety of social science claims about how people behave in online communities to inform actions that you might take to support … Continue reading "Nurturing Online Communities (NOC)"

Mini-workshop | Working with volunteers

Community managers are often trying to create spaces that support group learning and self-expression to build something members of the community couldn’t create alone – and this almost always includes incorporating volunteer contributions. In this Mini-workshop, we’ll explore common community manager concerns related to working with volunteers. We’ll discuss how to flip the narrative from … Continue reading "Mini-workshop | Working with volunteers"

Mini-workshop | An introduction to project management for scientists

This two hour session provides an overview of the concepts and approaches scientists can use in managing their collaborative projects. You will leave the session able to describe what a project is and the relationship between projects and operations. We’ll also discuss the three types of project and their relationship to uncertainty and complexity. Finally, … Continue reading "Mini-workshop | An introduction to project management for scientists"

CSCCE QSS Session | Topic TBD

Quarterly Skills Share (QSS) sessions are an opportunity for participants in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program to share insights and expertise about their roles as STEM community managers. Sessions last 90-minutes and include two or three presentations, with ample time for Q&A and discussion. This is an invitation-only event.