How the NSF promotes international collaboration

Posted by Dan Richman, Program Assistant for the Community Engagement Fellows Program. The American Chemical Society (ACS) International Center, a neighbor of AAAS here in Washington, DC, provides resources that … Continue reading “How the NSF promotes international collaboration”

Posted by Dan Richman, Program Assistant for the Community Engagement Fellows Program.

"The ALMA fox" by Alessandro Caproni, licensed under CC BY 2.0. ALMA is one of the international collaborations in which the NSF is involved.
The ALMA fox” by Alessandro Caproni, licensed under CC BY 2.0. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array is an international collaboration in which the NSF is involved.

The American Chemical Society (ACS) International Center, a neighbor of AAAS here in Washington, DC, provides resources that help scientists in all fields prepare for the challenges of global scientific collaboration. For those who aren’t in town, they also offer their lectures as webinars. Back in June, I reported on a webinar that offered practical advice for working with globally distributed and multicultural teams.

As the District cooled off in late September, I visited the ACS headquarters in person to hear Dr. Rebecca Spyke Keiser, Head of the Office of International Science and Engineering of the National Science Foundation (NSF), give a talk titled “International Collaboration at NSF: Expanding the Frontiers of Research and Creating a Globally Engaged Workforce”. In this post I report back with some highlights from that talk.

Continue reading “How the NSF promotes international collaboration”

Building interdisciplinary communities – what hurdles do we need to overcome?

Posted by Lou Woodley, Trellis’ Community Engagement Director. Last week I took part in a session at the ESOF16 conference on building interdisciplinary communities. ESOF – the EuroScience Open Forum … Continue reading “Building interdisciplinary communities – what hurdles do we need to overcome?”

Posted by Lou Woodley, Trellis’ Community Engagement Director.

Runners jumping over hurdles
Determination Wallpaper” by Alisa Cooper is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Last week I took part in a session at the ESOF16 conference on building interdisciplinary communities. ESOF – the EuroScience Open Forum – is a biennial conference focusing on various European science and science communication activities, with a mixture of different session formats.

In our session, one of the other presenters, Ismael Rafols, gave a good overview of some of the different barriers to successfully building community, which I’ve listed out below (taken directly from his slides).

Continue reading “Building interdisciplinary communities – what hurdles do we need to overcome?”

Best Practices in Community Building: 3 Takeaways from CMX Summit East 2016

Posted by Gabrielle Rabinowitz, Community Manager at Trellis In May I attended CMX Summit East, a community management conference focused on the future of the community industry. I met community managers … Continue reading “Best Practices in Community Building: 3 Takeaways from CMX Summit East 2016”

Posted by Gabrielle Rabinowitz, Community Manager at Trellis

Gabrielle Rabinowitz Badge CMX Summit 2016
The CMX Summit badge decoration station, including my artistic rendition of a lego & pipe cleaner “trellis”.

In May I attended CMX Summit East, a community management conference focused on the future of the community industry. I met community managers from new startups and industry giants, across a wide variety of fields. We got to know each other over coffee at the badge decorating station and then got to work learning about modern community management in a series of workshops and lectures stretching over two days.

In this post I’ll share three questions for community managers followed by strategies discussed at the Summit.
Continue reading “Best Practices in Community Building: 3 Takeaways from CMX Summit East 2016”

Working effectively with international teams: Key points from the ACS webinar on multicultural collaboration

Posted by Dan Richman, Program Assistant for the Community Engagement Fellows Program. The American Chemical Society’s International Center recently hosted a webinar called Partnering Globally: Maximizing Effectiveness with Multicultural Teams. … Continue reading “Working effectively with international teams: Key points from the ACS webinar on multicultural collaboration”

Posted by Dan Richman, Program Assistant for the Community Engagement Fellows Program.

Multicultural team
Managing Multicultural Teams” by NASA APPEL is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

The American Chemical Society’s International Center recently hosted a webinar called Partnering Globally: Maximizing Effectiveness with Multicultural Teams. It was led by Katherine Glasgow, Vice President of Global Product R&D of Nomacorc, who talked about managing and being part of a multicultural and multinational team.

Here, we summarize key points from the webinar and share strategies for international collaboration.

Continue reading “Working effectively with international teams: Key points from the ACS webinar on multicultural collaboration”

Planning teamwork – 10 pointers from the Science of Team Science conference

Posted by Lou Woodley, Trellis’ Community Engagement Director. The Trellis Team were busy last week as we attended 3 different community management-focused events in 3 different states across the US! One of … Continue reading “Planning teamwork – 10 pointers from the Science of Team Science conference”

Posted by Lou Woodley, Trellis’ Community Engagement Director.

The Trellis Team were busy last week as we attended 3 different community management-focused events in 3 different states across the US! One of the ones I attended was the 4-day Science of Team Science conference where the focus was on what we can learn about collaboration within science.

Continue reading “Planning teamwork – 10 pointers from the Science of Team Science conference”

The Trellis team hits the road!

Here at Trellis we believe in the importance of community building between scientists and beyond. As the scientific enterprise depends more and more on long-term collaboration between various groups, often … Continue reading “The Trellis team hits the road!”

"The open road" by Hatters! is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
The open road” by Hatters! is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Here at Trellis we believe in the importance of community building between scientists and beyond. As the scientific enterprise depends more and more on long-term collaboration between various groups, often across continents, active community management is more important than ever. On Trellis, we want to provide the best tools for both fledgling and experienced scientific community builders to grow and strengthen the communities with which they work.

To ensure that we are up to date with best practices in the field of community management, the Trellis team is making stops at several community-themed conferences this month. We will be reporting back on this blog and hope to be able to incorporate some of what we learn into our documentation for Trellis group admins.

Here’s where you can find members of the Trellis team in May:

Continue reading “The Trellis team hits the road!”