CODE Graduates

Congratulations to everyone who successfully completed CSCCE’s Content Design (CODE) course!

CODE is an advanced course in creating community-engaged content. Graduates from this course are now equipped to take a strategic approach to creating content that is designed to engage and motivate their members, and support their participation in community activities. CODE is a required course in CSCCE’s Community Manager Certification Program.

A detailed course description is available here.

Learners are given the option to be featured on this page upon completion of the course. Think you should be here, or need to update your info? Let us know:

Sophie Bui

Community Manager

Parsl, Center for Digital Agriculture

National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Erin Conn

Project Director

The SEA Change Community


Kevin Gott

Computer Systems Engineer

NERSC Community of Practice


Rebecca Hartman-Baker

User Engagement Group Lead


Yan Kay Ho

Project Manager & Community Manager

Reclone Community Network

Open Bioeconomy Lab

Lena Karvovskaya

Community Manager RDM and Open Science

VU Open Science Community

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Lizzie Krisch

Community Manager


RockEDU at The Rockefeller University

Allie Lau

Public Engagement Senior Programs Manager

APS (American Physical Society)

Curtis Sharma

Project Manager/Community Manager



Alessandra Soro

Community Manager
