We support working groups focused on different ways to advance scientific community engagement.
CSCCE working groups are led by staff and created to further specific goals in service of our mission. They give community members an opportunity to engage with both CSCCE staff and other CoP members in a structured manner, while working towards a specific output. Once that goal has been met, the working group may identify a new goal to work towards or it may sunset, or transition to be a member-led special interest group (SIG). Working group members are expected to actively participate, and it is rare for new members to join a working group after it has begun: find out more about working group member expectations.
If you’re interested in joining one of the groups listed here, or have a suggestion for a future group, please email info@cscce.org.

Current working groups
Community Manager Roles working group
Focus: The members of this working group are interested in describing the role of the community manager in STEM and how it varies across the science ecosystem.
Expectations: Members meet once a month via Zoom, and are expected to collaborate on research between meetings asynchronously.
Chairs: Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt
Members: Jennifer Davison, Ellen Dow, Malin Sandström, Elissa Schuett, Reshama Shaikh, Elisha Wood-Charlson
Past working groups
Community Champions Programs working group
Focus: This working group brought together community managers who were planning or running champions programs to support emergent leaders within their community. The group met regularly to discuss challenges and best practices for running champions programs, and co-created a series of nine tip sheets to describe key stages in the lifecycle of a champions program..
Chairs: Katie Pratt, Lou Woodley
Members: Alycia Crall, Vanessa Fairhurst, Emma Ganley, Lena Karvovskaya, Logan Kilpatrick, Anne Kornahrens, Zoe Leanza, Emily Lescak, Erin McLean, Vid Nukala, Esther Plomp, Brigitte Portner, Iratxe Puebla, Malin Sandström, Elissa Schuett, Lindsey Starke, Tracy Teal, Pajau Vangay, Cass Gould van Praag, Anna Volkova, Elisha Wood-Charlson, Claire Wyatt
Related CSCCE resources: Community champions programs resource page
Community champions programs tip sheet: Stage 1
by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Camille Santistevan, Vanessa Fairhurst, Esther Plomp, and Iratxe Puebla
Making a case: Should you have a community champions program?
Community champions programs tip sheet: Stage 2
by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Camille Santistevan, Anne Kornahrens, Emily Lescak, and Esther Plomp
Inclusive recruitment: How do you find your champions?
Community champions programs tip sheet: Stage 3
by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Camille Santistevan, Vanessa Fairhurst, and Lindsay Starke
Participation requirements: What are your champions expected to do?
Community champions programs tip sheet: Stage 4
by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Camille Santistevan, Emma Ganley, and Lindsay Starke
Onboarding: How will you welcome your champions into the program?
Code of Conduct working group
Focus: This working group created a draft set of core values as well as a set of community participation guidelines for the CSCCE community – to cover our Slack group, website, blog and in-person events.
Chair: Lou Woodley
Members: Arne Bakker, Arielle Bennett-Lovell, Chiara Bertipaglia, Alycia Crall, Emily Lescak, Katie Pratt, Tracy Teal, Steve van Tuyl
Related CSCCE resources: CSCCE community participation guidelines, CSCCE core values, and core values statements worksheet
Community Profiles working group
Focus: This working group focused on testing and giving feedback on a survey designed to gather key data about individual scientific communities. The feedback was used to create the first collection of CSCCE Community Profiles in 2020, and subsequently informed our approach with round two in 2021. Several members of the working groups contributed data about their communities and were included in the first round of CSCCE community profiles.
Co-chairs: Sara Kobilka, Lou Woodley
Members: Rebecca Carpenter, Marty Downs, Leslie Hsu, Lena Karvovskaya, Erin McLean, Ann Meyer, Serah Njambi Rono, Katie Pratt
Related CSCCE resources: CSCCE scientific community profiles