Making a PACT framework

CSCCE’s four-part PACT framework outlines the key elements to consider when planning a virtual meeting or event: P for purpose, A for attendees, C for community management, and T for tech tools. As each meeting or event is highly context-specific, the framework is intended to help you examine that context and then design an event that works for the attendees. What works in one context, such as using a specific online tool, may not work for participants who are unfamiliar with the technology. The power of making a PACT is in being intentional about meeting design for each event.

Citations: Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement. (2022) CSCCE Glossary: Virtual Events. Pratt, Woodley, Ainsworth, Carter, Crall, Elkins, Gauthier, Ihle, Kornahrens, Martinic, Santistevan, Shaikh, Sidik, and Wyatt doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6608609

Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement. (2021) Using virtual events to facilitate community building: Making a PACT for more engaging virtual meetings and events. Woodley, Pratt, and East doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4987666

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