In this first of a two part series of two-hour workshops, participants will explore dimensions of team readiness for large, multi-stakeholder collaborative initiatives and how a team readiness assessment can be used to identify the stage of their project and which areas they need to address as a priority. By the end of this workshop, participants will have drafted a survey for their project, and be ready to determine how to translate the survey responses into practical next steps in the second workshop.
Price (for both sessions): $300
Register here:
Registration deadline: Friday, 31 January 2025
Prerequisite: Preparing for large-scale collaborations (Part 1)
In this second workshop of a two part series, participants will debrief the team readiness surveys they drafted in workshop one. They will explore how to deploy the survey and how to report the results back to the community and determine next steps. Then, using a framework describing collaborative approaches, participants will identify which combination of approaches or activities will be helpful for the next stage of their collaboration.
Price (for both sessions): $300
Register here:
Registration deadline: Friday, 31 January 2025
Prerequisite: Preparing for large-scale collaborations (Part 1)
In this second workshop of a two part series, participants will debrief the team readiness surveys they drafted in workshop one. They will explore how to deploy the survey and how to report the results back to the community and determine next steps. Then, using a framework describing collaborative approaches, participants will identify which combination of approaches or activities will be helpful for the next stage of their collaboration.
Register on Eventbrite
Price: $150 (or apply for a free ticket via our accessibility fund)
Registration deadline: Wednesday, 31 January 2024
Find out more about CSCCE’s refund policy.
In this first of a two part series of two-hour workshops, participants will explore dimensions of team readiness for large, multi-stakeholder collaborative initiatives and how a team readiness assessment can be used to identify the stage of their project and which areas they need to address as a priority. By the end of this workshop, participants will have drafted a survey for their project, and be ready to determine how to translate the survey responses into practical next steps in the second workshop.
Register on Eventbrite
Price: $150 (or apply for a free ticket via our accessibility fund)
Registration deadline: Wednesday, 3 January 2024
Many culture change projects are met with general enthusiasm at the conceptual level, but fall short during their implementation. In this Mini-workshop, participants will reflect on their own role as change agents and use Bolman and Deal’s Four-Frame Model to assess and describe different types of barriers to culture change initiatives (structural, human resources, political, and symbolic). We will then use the model to identify where community managers might exert leverage – and what specific actions could help to overcome the identified barriers.
Register on Eventbrite
Price: $150 (or apply for a free ticket via our accessibility fund)
Registration deadline: Friday, 24 November 2023