An update on CSCCE staff changes: New year, new org chart!

If you came to January’s community call, you will have heard CSCCE’s Director Lou Woodley talk through some changes to our staff team. There are some new faces joining the team and a new way of looking at our organizational structure that reflects the way we are continuing to grow. In this post, we outline these shifts, signpost where we’re headed, and acknowledge some of the challenges we’ve faced as a rapidly growing, highly collaborative staff team. 

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October’s Community Call: How communities can instigate culture change in scholarly communications

October’s community call will take place on Wednesday, 21 October at 6pm UTC (2pm US Eastern Time) and will focus on the importance of convening and connecting different community stakeholders to bring about culture change in the ways we do and share science.  We’ll hear from three community managers working in the field of scholarly communications, each with unique stories to share.

It’s also our community of practice’s first birthday, and we’re celebrating by giving away stickers to members of our community of practice. Let us know if you’d like some (, and we’ll get them in the mail to you. 

Join in the discussion on October’s CSCCE Community Call. Image credit: CSCCE
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Catalyzing change – the AAAS Community Engagement Fellows’ mid-year meeting

Posted by Lou Woodley, Program Director – AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program This week saw the return of the 2017 class of AAAS Community Engagement Fellows to DC for their … Continue reading “Catalyzing change – the AAAS Community Engagement Fellows’ mid-year meeting”

Posted by Lou Woodley, Program Director – AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program

Red sign that reads "Changed Priorities Ahead"
Changed priorities ahead” by Peter Reed under CC BY-NC 2.0

This week saw the return of the 2017 class of AAAS Community Engagement Fellows to DC for their mid-year meeting. Following their week-long training in the fundamentals of community management back in January the Fellows have been working to support collaborations at their home institutions. Meet the Fellows and find out what they are each working on here.

The #CEFP2017 mid-year meeting had the theme of “change” – and we explored this from various angles including individual perspectives on implementing what’s been learned so far, organizational change, and what it means to create a “learning organization”. We also worked together on our community playbooks as tools to help us communicate the methods behind community management to our colleagues.

Continue reading “Catalyzing change – the AAAS Community Engagement Fellows’ mid-year meeting”