Today we launch a brand new series of regular posts on the Trellis blog for scientific community managers interested in diversity, equity and inclusion. This installment was authored by Josh Knackert, UW-Madison Neuroscience Training Program. Additional series coordinators are Jennifer Davison, Urban@UW, University of Washington, Marsha Lucas, Society for Developmental Biology and Rosanna Volchok, The New York Academy of Sciences. You can find all of the posts in the series here.
Why does diversity, equity, and inclusion matter in communities?
“Welcoming and supporting a broad range of backgrounds, skills, perspectives, and approaches helps communities be most effective.”
Community can mean different things for different people – a collection of individuals with a shared purpose, small efforts driving a larger movement, or a support structure, to name a few. Key principles at the heart of all of these definitions are diversity, equity and inclusion. Welcoming and supporting a broad range of backgrounds, skills, perspectives, and approaches helps communities be most effective.

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